
It's been almost half a year since we came back from the trip. And it felt like we jumped into the whirlpool of household problems and work-related issues right from the plane. It took (what felt like) a super-natural effort to bring the house back to the comfortable level. The kids settled back into a school-home routine easily: they were relieved to have normalcy in their lives.

The summer flew by in one breath. I got an exciting new job, the Big Nomad took up an unexpected teaching course, and the Little Nomads went to summer camps. We went day-tripping, camping with friends, sucked into our regular super-normal suburban life, occupied with comfortable little world and global superficial issues. Two weeks upon arrival, someone had asked me: "How was your trip?". I had to stop for a moment to recall if I really went anywhere... It felt surreal, distant, and hazy; like a book I read or a movie I saw. Could I have been a part of it?

I come back to my blog quite often, driven with nostalgia for places, foods, scents,  feelings. Sometimes, it is a recipe that sparks a memory or a question from someone, but most of times it is a case of convincing myself that this trip was part of my life, it was really me traveling through three continents, 6 countries, and cities I am too lazy to count.

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