Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle

Another Wednesday... I took the Little Nomads to the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle with a collection, which is "unique in France and includes over 250,000 objects". The collection has certainly outgrown its building - there is an impressive insectarium with species from all over the world, fossilized remnants of prehistoric life, reconstructed dinosaurs, and recreated prehistoric tropical forests.

The museum must have been heaven for a team of taxidermists as both floors are packed with thousands of stuffed species.

The building is located in one of the most picturesque areas of the city with a park, which elicited much more the enthusiasm in the Little Nomads, than the museum itself. They joined a horde of French kids who were tediously working on  knocking nuts off the park's many chestnut trees. We left the park with the Very Little Nomad's pockets stuffed with chestnuts.

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